Revelations and Awards

October was a month of Scaryness, Hardwork, and Sweets...
all these thing at my age.... I do not need but love !

One of my revelations is I think I have a alter - ego menopause ...
( and it's evil sometimes).
So sorry now if I say some things in this post that may just not be me.
I made a lot of new friends thru the year online...
saw a lot of great Halloween works and blogs
yet did not have time to visit them all and make my presents known or
even let some of them know I considered them a friend.
Now remember I do talk a lot, when deal with it !
One of my new friend is Jeanne...of The Candy Corn Chronicles...
she has a good heart, whimsical art, and is hardwroking.
We both are members of Halloween Artists
and Jeanne does a great job with the monthly newsletter there,
how she finds the time...only witches and ghost know.
She scares me...LOL
But I would like to say to her now...
Thanks for all you hardwork, Jeanne...
( I will get you for this, by the way...LOL)
Well she has also met and made friend with other Halloween bloggers
and this one below gave her an award...
and she passed it on to me.
I don't know if that was nice or a curse...LOL
Oh well...if I must !
Now I must according to the award rules
it says let 15 of my
favorite bloggers know how
I feel about there blogs and Halloween works.
( Do I have to?) dang it !
And then...pass this award on to them.
Yes , as the song says... " I'm putting a spell on you all ... " OK !
The rules are :
1. Thank and link back to the person
that gave you the award.
2.Share 7 things about yourself.
3.Pass this on to 15 great bloggers
you recently discovered.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them
about their award.
So here goes: Oh wow... now what lies can I tell ?
1. I have always love to sing. ( I am ok at it I guess)
2. I been married to same great man
for over 37 years, and I tried to give him away back in school.
3. I love donuts ( and my grand daughter & grandson love them too ! )!!
4. I love to decorate for holidays ...
and my hubby hates it....Who care, I am doing it every year !
5. I would love to buy a pair of shoes everyday.
6. I hate to paint my wares...I make them all day.
But have tons of unfinished items. ( Wish I could hire someone...LOL )
7. I love to swap, Atc /ACEO cards, ornies...just love it !
Well now you know all about me....
Well I have drop by and visited a lot of bloggers,
some I know well...some I just admire or love their work.
And I am sure I am missing a few.
Well this will let you all know how I feel....or will it?
Boy this would have been a great Trick or Treat...LOL
1. Kim -
Kim is a California gal and a neighbor and she has a wonderful touch
with clay...her blog is fun and colorful, and she is a very bewitching
type artist...She has come to be a good friend.
See her work on Merry Whatever blog , AHA and her blog here.
2. Joni -
Oh now here is a very great artist...her painting are so whimsical...
they make you smile. She of course make way to many...LOL
I get a favorite and she make another before I can enjoy the last one.
Her work and posts on the The Hive...keep everyone updated on all that is going on.
Love her new calendar...drop by and see what I mean, you'll be a fan forever !
3. Sherry -
Wow ...what can I say, fantasy and art are blended by this lady to take you mind
and eye on a trip to Never - Never land.
She touched my heart the first time I saw her animals.
I love cats, dogs, and fish...etc.
She not only paints the animals ...she cares !
You can also see her work on Merry Whatever, and her blog, or Etsy.
Yes ...Sherry you are one of my favorites & a friend ! ...Surprise !!
4. David -
I first saw David's art a few years ago... and I laughed so hard I cried!
His work really touched me...the faces and love he put into his art was fun!
Also he's a California guy and ...that was another plus for me.
I love his blog and hope he will call me friend...
Love to get to one of his show someday and meet him in person...
Halloween online would not be the same without David.
Thanks for all the chuckles... You rule !
5. Melissa -
What can I say about this lady...her gourd work is fantastic.
She surely is the Gourd Queen.
I love her blog...and the whimsical faces...I have never posted or said hello but if I
could I would love to make friend with Malissa...
I think we would have a blast.
Her mischeif and Halloween works remind me of myself.
Her love for Halloween ...seem familiar and spooky !
And I hope it rubs off on to me...
She inspires me....
6. Christy-
Now this lady...I met a few years ago in person in Orange County, California.
And her work touched me then...and still touches me to this day.
She is in Portland ...long way from California. So I was blessed to have met her.
Halloween and everyday she shows us her talent and fills our
world with her outstanding art.
Her friendship with me, I hope will grow as years her lighthearted
whimsy makes it's way into my heart more and more.
Thanks for the beauty you bring to all. And congulations on the 8th Birthday !
Bravo... !
7. Debra-
I also met Debra also many years ago in person...
here in Orange County, California
She has been a inspiration and is a very talented lady.
Her work has a loving whimsy to it...Make you crave candy. Every Holiday is Hop Hop Jingle Boo for you when
Debra is around. And I hope to remain her friend forever.
And that's not the Menopause talking !
8. Liz -
Liz has been a good friend since I met her on Etsy...her paintings and jewelry are wonderful.
If I had the money I would buy all her work, over and over.
She is a talented lady....and my friend! Her talent for showing us others art with her classes, and knowledge is great. Thanks for being my friend.
See her work on Merry Whatever & her blog listed here.
9. Lisa -
Not a better friend I could have...she is so talented, funny and outspoken.
She has a love of dolls...and it shows in all her patterns, and creations.
Even her love is shown on Wymzee Art Blog., when you read about other doll makers.
See her hand sewn work here on her blog a or her website Skunk Hollow and Merry Whatever.
Lisa has been a friend for over 5 years and I hope for many more.
She really haunts my art world and stay on my butt to get to work !
10. Katey -
Now quite a while ago...I became friend with this lady...a very special artist.
Her paintings and jewelry will warm your heart.
She has that special touch ...that make whimsy fly !
See more of her pieces on her blog or Etsy page.
She has truely blessed my life for knowing her.
11. Dani -
Oh, my friend Dani, is an over acheiver like myself.
A few years back my illness fibromyagia slowed me down...
and now it has a hold on my friend.
Art has kept me from throwing in the towel...
and I am sure it will do the same for Dani.
Her work and most artful project is a marketplace of wonderful artists
called Spookytimes Jingles...(Someday I may get up the nerve to join).
but there you will see her work , also if you visit her blog.
You will see Halloween & Christmas at it's best !
12. Marie -
What Marie has bought to my life is so much...I smile and love to visit her blog.
Just wish I had more time to read and see her whimsical touch on her creative pieces.
She has been a friend for sometime now...and I hope she always will be. From swapping
and links to friendship. See her work and Halloween treasures on the blog above.
I hope I have inspired her as much as she has me.
13. Jan-
Jan's work has the spooky quality that takes you back to vintage.
I have known her only a short time...but feel we are friends.
I love to read her blog...and she is very talented artist.
We are also neighbors on Halloween Artist as well.
See some of her work and visit her blog on the link above.
It will be a fun treat !!
14. Amelia -
Amelia's art work...can not put the pounds on you. Sweet treats,
she has the touch, they are adorable !
I just love to drop by and see what sweet treat she has coming out.
It the only kind of treat I really need.
Won't hurt my diet...LOL
I would love to get to one of her shows someday.
Love her lollipops...and sure she is as sweet as can be.
15. Candy -
And last be not least...this lady has been a friend a long time.
Her art work is wonderful, and she has a great
Arts a Flutter marketplace for other to sell on.
She is another California gal...and very talent.
Drop by and see her on the blog listed above...
her Halloween goodies are a hoot !
Ok now I have told you all how I feel... (I think ,,,)
I am making sure your links are on my blogs,
visitng your blogs more,
and going to try to stay in touch.
Please all of you do the same.